Quality of a door and frame depends on three things.

  1. Quality of timber
  2. Quality of seasoning
  3. Quality of manufacturing technique
We maintain all three factors properly, that’s why our quality is so high.

 1. Quality of timber:

Quality of timber depends on geographical location. Some places timbers are much better quality than others, like mangoes we get from Rajshahi district in Bangladesh is the sweetest than any other district in the country. Teak grows in many countries of the world, but teak from Burma is the best in the world. We had the opportunity to compare oak from United States and other countries of the world. We found that, oak from United States is much better crispier and stronger.
In my  country Bangladesh, Chittagong grows the best teak. Quality is almost similar to Burma teak, price is much cheaper too. Shill Karai comes only from Chittagong. Same karai  grows other parts in the country,  is called Kali karai. Quality of Kali Karai is much inferior to Chittagong Shill Karai.
Gamari also grows many countries in the world. I’ve found the Gamari from Chittagong district in Bangladesh is the best.
Now we are importing Teak Chambal from overseas. Teak Chambal, we use to collect from Chittagong is much better than the imported ones, but it’s not available now. We use the Teak Chambal for frame and discourage people to make doors out of it.
As quality timber Mahogany is the best and cheapest I found, which comes from Jessore. Mahogany grows all over the country, but their fiber will not compare with the fiber, density and color of Jessore, they are simply beautiful.
Ninety percent of our total product we sale is, Jessore Mahogany, because they are cheaper and better.
We buy only matured timbers to make sure after we season those lumbers don’t bend or bowed and get a longer life.

 2. Quality of seasoning:

Most of the consumer doesn’t understand the meaning of seasoning. They think, laying the timber in sun light will take the moisture out from timber and will be properly seasoned. That is a process to season timber, but will take long time to have it seasoned properly and the timber may split and get bowed. For commercial purposes, it’s not physible at all. If we have to use 2000 CFT lumber for production every day, it’s not possible to lay the lumber in sun for a year and do production. In this kind of situation we must have a modern Kiln-Dry Chamber. Old version Kiln-Dry Chambers take 15 to 30 days to season. I’ve developed a Kiln-Dry Chamber which takes only 48 hours to bring the moisture down to 7 to 12 percent. In this Kiln-Dry Chamber we use high temperature, but doesn’t effect  on the quality of the timber.

 3. Quality of Manufacturing Techniques:

We may have good quality timber, which is properly seasoned, if we don’t make the door properly, it may not be strong, long lasting and good looking. I’ve developed some machines which does the job properly and quickly, like 4-side planer, with minimum length capacity of 12”. Multi Rip Saw, Multi guided cutting machine, Tenor Machine, Mortising Machine, Auto bit Cutter, Large Oscillating Drum Sander and Back to Back Abrasive Rotary Brush Sander, all these machines works together and make the job done right.
We use the best timber seasoned properly and never use dowel pins to assemble the door. We use wooden pin to join Tenor and Mortising together, to assemble the door properly with the help of best kind of wood glue.
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